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How to Tell if a Pisces Man Is Falling in Love With You

Are you feeling the sweet and delicious pangs of love for a Pisces man?

The early days of a relationship – when you begin to fall deeper in love with someone – can be very exciting.

But they can also be riddled with doubt.

Perhaps you're currently wondering whether this seemingly perfect Pisces loves you back?

If so, I've got the perfect guide for you.

Below, we explore the signs that Pisces men most typically give away when they're falling in love with a woman.

But, before we begin, I want to tell you a little-known fact about male psychology that will make it easier for this guy to start experiencing stronger feelings towards you.

It's based on a primal trigger in a man's brain called the 'Hero's Instinct'.

I've been reading with great curiosity about how this part of man's brain works – because it plays a key role in who he feels attracted to.

If you can learn how to manipulate this line of thinking within a man, it's common he'll begin to feel irresistible urges to be around you all the time.

I know because I learned this skill and tried it out myself! This helped me attract and tie down the type of man I could previously only dream of being in a relationship with (read my personal story to learn more).

This skill is all about luring out the emotions that men deeply want to feel in a loving relationship. Once you can do that, he's as good as yours.

My account of discovering 'The Hero's Instinct' explains exactly how it works, but there's every chance that this Pisces man could already be in love with you.

So, let's read on to discover the signs that's the case.


  • 1 Signs A Pisces Man Is In Love With You
    • 1.1 1. He tells you how he feels.
    • 1.2 2. He accepts your flaws.
    • 1.3 3. He shows his feelings and emotions.
    • 1.4 4. He wants to stay in and watch films with you.
    • 1.5 5. He will ask lots of questions.
    • 1.6 6. He wants to create a spiritual connection with you.
    • 1.7 7. He tells you about his dreams.
    • 1.8 8. He takes care of you.
    • 1.9 9. You share deep conversations.
    • 1.10 10. You can trust him.
    • 1.11 11. He will make eye connection with you.
    • 1.12 12. He is hesitant around you.
    • 1.13 13. He's romantic towards you.
    • 1.14 14. He shares his artistic side with you.
    • 1.15 15. He plans romantic dates for you.
    • 1.16 16. He wants to spend more time with you.
    • 1.17 17. He is comfortable around you.
  • 2 Overall…

Signs A Pisces Man Is In Love With You

1. He tells you how he feels.

He tells you how he feels

A Pisces man in love will feel extreme emotions. Pisces men are sensitive and love being in love. If he feels this way about you, he will tell you and act romantically towards you.

If he is falling in love with you, a Pisces man is likely to tell you exactly how he feels and that he believes that he is falling in love with you.

Men with this zodiac sign can be very romantic with words, give you cute compliments, show you physical affection and make sure that you know that you are the only woman for him. He is very romantic in love, he will hold your hand often, hug and kiss you, and create an intimate connection with you.

A Pisces guy will always make an effort to build an intimate bond with the person he is in love with– he may plan cute lunch dates, a walk in the forest, or a romantic night away. He will make sure to find out what makes you happy and do whatever he can to achieve that. A romantic bond is very important to a Pisces man in love.

Pisces guys do not play games or act hard to get. If he likes you he will be straightforward and tell you how he feels. He is likely too eager to progress in his relationship with you to play hard to get. He will never tell you that he likes you unless he is completely sure about how he feels about you.

2. He accepts your flaws.

If he really likes you a Pisces man will accept even the things about you that bother him. If he is really in love with a woman he will put up with anything. This is a way to know that he likes you and sees a relationship forming between the two of you.

3. He shows his feelings and emotions.

Pisces is one of the water signs, which are often connected with intense feelings, sensitive nature and spirituality. Pisces men are often deeply connected to their inner emotions and feelings. It is a big deal if your Pisces man reveals his deepest feelings and emotions to you. It takes great courage for him to make this step, and is a sure sign he is falling for you.

A Pisces guy will be emotional around someone he likes. He will show his affection and will tell you how he feels about you. A Pisces man often falls in love deeply. He will call that special someone regularly, text you throughout the day, and give you random compliments.

If he likes you, a Pisces guy is likely to tell you exactly how he feels towards you. This is a major gesture as he is a sensitive star sign who often hesitates before revealing his feelings to someone. When in a relationship a Pisces man will invest his emotions and feelings completely, and will only do so when he is sure he has met the one.

He enjoys the attention that you give him too. If he knows that you feel the same way about him, he will like to talk about how beautiful your relationship is.

If he suddenly starts telling you how he feels, this is a sure sign is head over heels about you.

4. He wants to stay in and watch films with you.

He wants to stay in and watch films with you

Many Pisces men love to stay in and watch his favorite old movies with the woman he loves. The Pisces star sign is ruled by the planet Neptune and is connected to the arts– film, photography, and art. Pisces men love to escape into fantastical worlds of fiction.

If he really likes you, he would be content spending days on end watching films with you. A Pisces man wants to see you as his best friend and wants to do everything with you.

This is a sure sign that he likes you and that the two of you are meant for each other.

5. He will ask lots of questions.

If he is falling for you, a Pisces man will ask you lots of questions. He will want to find out everything he can about you. He sees this kind of emotional bond as really important in a love relationship. He will want to know about your deepest feelings, spirituality, and fears.

A Pisces guy will want to break down any emotional boundaries with the woman he falls in love with. This may be a lot to take when you are first getting to know him, but this is just one of the personality traits of this water element.

6. He wants to create a spiritual connection with you.

He wants to create a spiritual connection with you

If a Pisces man likes you he will want to know your spirituality and beliefs and will tell you what he believes himself. It is very important for a Pisces man in love to create a spiritual bond with the woman he loves. The Pisces sign is the most spiritual of all the zodiacs.

Pisces guys are often happy to explore various forms of spiritual practice– meditation, tarot card reading, astrology, and mindfulness. One of the signs of a Pisces man in love is that he asks you about your spiritual and religious beliefs. If he is asking you these things, then he is likely falling in love with you.

If he likes you he will want to have a long conversation about your spiritual beliefs.

7. He tells you about his dreams.

He tells you about his dreams

A man with this zodiac sign is often very interested in the world of dreams in both the sense of realism and symbolism. A Pisces man is likely to have a vibrant imagination. If he starts telling you his dreams, this is one of the signs a Pisces man is falling for you.

If he is falling in love with you he will share his most inner desires and dreams with you. He hopes for nothing more than to realize his dreams. He will want to tell you about his hopes for the future in an emotional way.

If he talks to you about his dreams, his hopes for the world, and what he really wished to do in life, this Pisces man really likes you. If he is opening up to you, he has decided that you are the woman for him. He wants you to be able to understand him and to know his deepest thoughts. This intellectual connection is extremely important for a Pisces man.

He will also want to know about your desires, dreams, and hopes. This is a very important part of a relationship for a Pisces man. If he is falling for you, he may begin to include you in his dreams and hopes for the future.

If he sees a future with you he will tell everything he dreams about for the future– where he wants to travel, what job he wants later in life or whether he wants children. He will not talk to just anybody about these things. If he sees you as part of his future he will tell you his dreams and hopes and show that he wants you in it.

If he is letting you in on his dreams and his hopes, then he wants you in his life.

8. He takes care of you.

One of the signs that a Pisces man is falling in love with you is that he begins taking care of you, however, he can. He will pay attention to you, look after you and make sure that you are happy. A Pisces man will do whatever he can to make sure the person he cares about most is happy and fulfilled.

He may cook for you, go to the shop to get you your favorite sweets or give you a foot rub after a long day at work. He may do these things for you without you even having to ask. If you are sad, he will talk to you, say things to make you feel better and hug you. He will always be there to support you and make sure you are happy.

A Pisces man is very caring, loving and romantic in a relationship. He is truly committed to you and will always want to make sure that you feel loved and happy. He wants to build a solid emotional connection with the woman that he loves.

A Pisces man will be very compassionate in a relationship. He will be intuitive to your emotions and will know how you are feeling. He will always listen to you carefully, and will always be there for you.

A Pisces man will do anything in his hands for the woman that he loves. A Pisces man's loving and caring side is the dream for most women.

If he looks after you, and always tries his best to make you happy, this is one of the signs that a Pisces man is falling in love with you.

You share deep conversations

If he is beginning to fall in love with you, a Pisces man will engage in deep conversations with you and will want to talk to you in order to find you everything he can about you. He will make you feel listened to.

He will ask you deep and personal connections so he can find out more about you and your life. He likes to know that you can trust him too. It should be easy to trust a Pisces guy as he is one of the zodiac signs that are intuitive to other people's feelings.

Pisces believes that intellectual connections are extremely important in relationships. He will want to know your opinions and ideas about the world. It is important to him that he knows your political views and your thoughts on important issues.

If he asks questions about your opinions and your views on the world, he is interested in getting to know you and is serious about you becoming a permanent part of his life.

This is a sign that he wants a serious, committed relationship with you.

10. You can trust him.

Pisces guys can be very loyal to the people that they love. If you find that you are able to trust and depend on him, he sees you as an important part of his life. If he is in love with you he will always protect you and will never betray you. You will always be able to depend on him and trust that he will always back you up.

If he is in love with you, he only has eyes for you. If you know that you can trust and depend on him, this is a sure sign that he likes you back.

11. He will make eye connection with you.

He will make eye connection with you

A Pisces man is very romantic and if he likes you, you may find him looking deep into your eyes. He will show you he likes you through his body language. If he can't take his eyes off you, this is a sure sign that he is falling in love with you.

If he makes intense eye contact with you, this is a sign that he is really into you.

12. He is hesitant around you.

While a Pisces man in love is very romantic and caring, he can also sometimes be very nervous in certain situations. When you are beginning to get to know him, he may come across as sensitive, even awkward. This is one of the signs a Pisces man is in love with you.

This zodiac sign is never outspoken and will not speak unless he feels fully confident in a social situation. Pisces guys are naturally shy, so he may be awkward with you if he really likes you. He is not known for a confident personality and sometimes finds social situations difficult. Don't take it as a negative sign if he doesn't approach you first.

Once he becomes comfortable around you, he can begin to open up and act himself around you. This may require some patience at first, but once he relaxes around you, a Pisces man will treat you amazingly.

13. He's romantic towards you.

A Pisces man may be subtle when he is flirting with someone. These little actions mean a lot. He might get you a coffee in the morning or buy you your favorite flowers. Pisces guys can be very sentimental and romantic.

Pisces are not naturally flirty like other zodiacs. He will only flirt with you if he really likes you. He will make you feel loved and special through his words and actions. He wants to show the woman in his life that he cares for her. He wants to know that she feels beautiful and loves. He may write a poem or a song about you.

If he is romantic towards you, this is a sign that he is falling in love with you.

14. He shares his artistic side with you.

He shares his artistic side with you

Men with this water sign are often very artistic and creative. They are often very thoughtful and sensitive. A sign that he likes you is if he begins to share his artwork and his creations with you. This shows that he trusts you, values your opinion and is happy to be open with you.

A Pisces man will often reveal his feelings, thoughts, and emotions through his creativity. If he paints you something, writes a poem or a song for you, this is one of the sure signs that he may be falling deeply in love with you. This is his way of showing how he feels about you.

May Pisces guys are very sensitive and artistic and want to share their creativity with the world. To live their life authentically, they need their partner in love to fully appreciate their artistic desires.

15. He plans romantic dates for you.

He plans romantic dates for you

A Pisces man is often deeply connected to nature. A Pisces man in love will often plan romantic dates in nature– he may take you on a cute outdoor picnic in the park, or take you on a forest walk. The connection between nature and romance is very important to a Pisces man in love.

A Pisces man in love will plan many dates for you that incorporate nature, he enjoys going on walks in the forest, by the lake, or on the beach. This is a sure sign he wants to further develop his emotional connection with you, and he is serious about a relationship with you.

Pisces are often animal lovers and have strong connections to their pets. If he introduces you to his beloved pets, this is a sure sign that is in love with you.

16. He wants to spend more time with you.

A Pisces man may find it difficult and may be hesitant when it comes to first asking you out. Because of this, if he really likes you, he may make up reasons so that he can see you.

This is one of the sure signs that a Pisces man likes you. He may be likely to go along to events he knows you will be going to, just so that he can see you. He may visit your place of work under the pretense that he has to buy something, but he is actually there just to see you.

He will include you in his interests – he may take you to the cinema or an art exhibit. Pisces guys are passionate about the arts and are often very creative. He wants to be with someone that he feels completely comfortable in spending all of his time with. If he likes you, then you will fill his mind often, he will text you and call you regularly if he feels this way.

This is a sure sign that he is really into you.

17. He is comfortable around you.

He is comfortable around you

If the Pisces man in your life is comfortable around you, this is one of the sure signs that he may be falling in love with you. If he feels like he can be totally himself around you, and there are no awkward silences in your relationship, he is likely in love with you. A deeply emotional, romantic relationship is truly important for a Pisces man.

A Pisces man believes in soulmates and is looking for someone that he can spend the rest of his life with. They desire nothing more than to fall truly and deeply in love with someone. As soon as they have found that person, he will relax and act himself. Because of his sensitive, somewhat introverted nature, a Pisces man will show his true self in love.

If he feels truly comfortable around you this is a sign that he feels really strongly about you. If he feels looked after and comfortable, he will do everything he can to make you feel the same way when you are with him.

A Pisces man doesn't just open up to anyone. So if he opens up to someone and tells them his secrets, then he sees that person as someone special. It may be hard to figure him out at first because of his mysterious, somewhat secretive nature, but once he is open with you he will tell you everything, from his deepest desires to his darkest fears.

If a Pisces guy tells you about his dreams in life, you are someone special to him. He may tell you about his hopes and dreams. Pisces guys are dreams and their loved ones often become part of their own fantasies.

If he opens up to you this is a genuine sign that he likes you. If he is able to talk about his own fears and issues with you, he has found trust and an emotional connection with you. He doesn't act in this way with just anyone. He is very sensitive and scared of rejection, so he will only talk to you if he really trusts you.

If he is truly comfortable with you he will show you his flaws and vulnerabilities. He will share his deepest fears and pain. He will only open up in this way to someone he really loves and trusts. He wants to know that he can really depend on you. This emotional connection is really important to a Pisces in love.

If he trusts you completely, he will confide in you about everything to do with his life. This is a sign that he wants a relationship for the two of you. He will feel betrayed if you let down his trust, so always be careful to never pass on his secrets.

If he is completely comfortable and open with you, this is a sure sign that this man loves you.


A Pisces man loves to be in love. Figuring out if a Pisces man loves you can be difficult, but he will truly look after the person he falls in love with.

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How to Tell if a Pisces Man Is Falling in Love With You
